More Steps Features

How to utilize the other features included in steps. An extension to the Add Steps article.

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Updated over a week ago

Steps guide the user through the tour by achieving unique effects. The guide and link work like buttons with captions while the lightbox takes the focus of the screen. Forms require user input via keyboard and mouse. There also exist additional features to these steps such as groups and beacons.


Steps have the ‘group’ feature which allows you to have more than one step on the screen at a time. This is useful as it allows you to take the tour in different possible directions depending on which guide or link is interacted with.

To use group:

1. While editing a tour, under 'add step' for a screen, select 'group' for type

2. When you have added the step, click on it, and you should see the two steps previewed

3. Upon clicking on one of the guides under 'Steps', you can edit their content and decide whether they proceed to the next step, previous, or restart the tour.

4. Just like a regular Guide button, you can also select its template to include more buttons or even a link


Lastly, under display options, steps have the choice of placing a beacon. Beacons allow you to highlight any part of the screen with a marker. This can be used to guide users to a particular link or button on the page while not strictly anchoring your step to an element on the screen.

To use beacon:

1. When adding a step to a screen, click on the 'Display Options' dropdown and you will presented with options that include the beacon

2. Toggle 'Beacon' and click anywhere on the screen to place the beacon

3. The step you created is now attached to the beacon

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